Saturday, May 28, 2011

Character Descriptions

Character descriptions and little odd things and anecdotes and whatnot about the cast.


Fallenstar has been a leader for many moons. He has lost his mate, and his littermate, Hollowpaw. Every day, Fallenstar is haunted by the day Hollowpaw was attacked by badgers. Every day, he is horrified by the day he watched his mate drown by the murderous paws of Crowstar. He is a noble cat, and will not step down easily.


Duskflower has only recently been made deputy, 4 moons ago. She is sharp-tongued and short-tempered, but that is made up for with her resourcefulness and level-headedness when she’s in a bad situation. Her only vendetta is when her mate, Blacktail, sacrificed himself to save the life of his apprentice and her sisters. Which is why she hates Lightfoot, Dewfrost and Hailcloud.


Tuifeather, though a knowledgeable she-cat who has proved her worth through many difficult times, she was not accepted easily. Her father, past leader Crowstar, haunted her path as a MeadowClan warrior each day, and when she asked Mintfur, the past medicine cat to apprentice her, the entire Clan had mixed feelings. Would she live up to her father’s name or not? But Fallenstar, despite having his mate killed by her father, accepted Tuifeather, and she has blossomed into a fine medicine cat.


Vinepaw had always had an interest in herbs when she was a kit. When an outbreak of greencough rocked the Clan, the tabby kit volunteered herself to help look after the sick and fallen warriors. When it came time for her apprentice ceremony, Tuifeather gladly appointed Vinepaw as her apprentice. Vinepaw is proud of her title and looks forward to the countless moons ahead of her, helping her Clan in the best way she can.


Swiftstream is a quick-thinking, light humoured warrior. He has apprenticed Raintail, and now has been given Possumpaw to teach in the way of a warrior. He is experienced, and specialises in hunting, having one of the best noses in the Clan. Swiftstream is also a proud father of Daisykit and Cloverkit, and mate to Dandelionfur. He is very close to his kits, and protective of them.


Possumpaw is a shy, rather withdrawn apprentice. Possumpaw misses his mother, Dustytail, greatly, and therefore is very close to his father, Volewhisker. His littermate, Beepaw, is distant to his brother and they prefer to keep to themselves. Possumpaw aspires to be a great warrior and an asset to his Clan.


Treeleaf is a solemn and completely dedicated warrior. He lives up to his word, even if he is quiet about it. He is silently stubborn, and won’t change his mind easily. Secretly, he seeks a mate, and has a tiny crush on Dewfrost. Though, he doesn’t take action on his love, he is always looking out for her, even if she doesn’t notice.


Starlingflight is a positive, outgoing cat who always looks on the bright side. She is always hinting to Fallenstar how she wants an apprentice, and wants to be mentor to Tweetkit. She has a special affinity for kits, and one day wishes to have some of her own. Though, she hasn’t decided with whom yet. Starlingflight is an expert in hunting.


Sunlight is a proud, self-centred cat who loves to flaunt himself to others. In particular, he likes Starlingflight, and always courts her in a somewhat dashing fashion. Like all cats, he is loyal to his Clan, but sometimes questions authority. Sunlight loves going on missions and being important to his Clanmates.


Tulipaw is a sunny apprentice who has her head in the clouds. She often ignores orders and dismisses duties. Though, she is focused on matters like becoming a warrior. She often dreams about being Clan leader, growing old and taking a mate. Her ideal choice for a mate, is Keapaw, and she thoroughly expects he feels the same way.


Dewfrost is an energetic she-cat who still feels like a kit. She gets into mischief, sometimes forgets about her duties as a warrior, but is a bright and uplifting she-cat. She is caring, kind and loves to fight. Though, she is picky with mates. She wants to find the right cat, and she is ever searching for the right cat.


Beepaw is a prickly, unhappy apprentice who thinks the world is being unfair to him. Though a talented apprentice, he focuses on making others’ lives miseries. He doesn’t succeed. He has a small soft spot for Tulipaw, though is even further disappointed to find out she likes Keapaw. This makes his attitude towards his fellow apprentice aggravated. He has a brother, Possumpaw, but thinks he’s a mouse-brain and stays away from him.


Volewhisker is a humble warrior, often blending into the background and keeping his feelings under the cover of his satisfied persona. His two kits, Possumpaw and Beepaw, have lost their mother, as he has lost his mate. Dustytail was killed by past MeadowClan leader Crowstar. Volewhisker was therefore quite wary of Starlingflight and Tuifeather, but has come to enjoy their company and even trust them. He’s starting to come back out into the world, and focuses on taking another mate.


Yarrowleaf is a witty, slender she-cat who tends to be secretive and knowingly quiet. She often pokes fun at situations and cheers up others with her slightly black humour. She is physically unable to have kits, and under her cool and collected cover, she is worried that Cricketsong will abandon her if there is nothing to tie them together, like kits. She loves Cricketsong with all her heart.


Cricketsong is a slightly sarcastic, dry cat who wants to be Clan leader. His no-can-do attitude won’t get him far, though, and he knows that. Though he is cynical, Cricketsong longs for kits and a family. He loves his mate, Yarrowleaf, but since she is unable to have kits, he often thinks of leaving her for another cat that can give him what he wants. He sometimes dreams of a ginger she-cat, and the kits they would have together.


Lightfoot is a committed, serious cat that is focused on feeding and fighting for her Clan. She is determined that the youth of the Clan will grow up strong and smart. Clever and witty, she gets through difficult situations with ease. She searches for a mate, and the possibilities for mates in MeadowClan are small.


Keapaw is a slightly arrogant, sarcastic and light-hearted cat, always looking for something to pick on. He doesn’t mean any harm, but sometimes he takes things to far, and he gets punished for his tongue. He needs to learn to be kinder to others. Keapaw doesn’t have many plans for a mate, though he knows that Tulipaw likes him.


Cuckoonose is a self-centred, jezebel of a cat. She always puffs out her chest and sticks her tail in the air when she is around toms. A turn-off for most toms is her piercing, green eyes. Around she-cats, especially Lightfoot and Hailcloud, and extra especially Dewfrost, she talks down to them as if they’re kits that don’t know better. She doesn’t have many talents apart from being slight, slender and flexible.


Raintail is a slightly lazy, though amazingly nice she-cat. She is popular amongst the Clan, and her strongest point apart from her beautiful coat is her hunting skills. She does tend to opt herself out of missions, and that often gets her a hiss or glare, but she is well liked. Raintail spends her free time lazing in the sun, dreaming of finding a mate.


Riverfur is a caring, loving father, who visits his newborn kits: Tweetkit, Mistkit, Beetlekit and Hollykit daily and always brings his mate, Tansypetal, food. Although, sometimes he drops his warrior duties for his kits. Though no cat can blame or dislike him for doing so, sometimes it slows the Clan down.


Hailcloud is a humorous, lovable she-cat who brightens the days of all. Although she might not be the brightest star in Silverpelt, the Clan can’t help liking her. She is skilled in fighting and making friends in the utmost oddest way. One of her weaknesses is sweetgrass – she loves to roll around in it.


Tansypetal is a mother of five, four of which are kits, and it takes a lot of stamina and patience to raise such wild and unknowing bundles of fur. She is stern, loving and independent. She loves her sister, her mate and her kits with all her heart that there is barely enough room to pump blood around her body. She would willingly die to save the lives of those she loves.


Dandelionfur is a light-hearted, gentle she-cat who is very, very protective of her kits. As a queen, she knows that one day her kits will become warriors, and thus plans to have more with her loving mate, Swiftstream. She does often dream of once again hunting, but she knows her heart lies in helping other kit mothers like herself.


Barkfur is a half deaf, elderly tom who is very wise. He does not have patience for warriors, but is very tender with kits and apprentices teaching them all that he knows and passing on his knowledge. We watches his two kits, Treeleaf and Volewhisker grow up, and stands up for Volewhisker’s kits. He is rather wary of Beepaw’s attitude and lets him know that he is not pleased.


Lilystem is a recently made elder who still wishes she could serve her Clan. She insists on fetching her own prey, and is rather sharp-tongued to Tuifeather when the medicine cat asks if she needs herbs to help her aching bones. Lilystem always argues that she is not dead yet and until she is, she will continue to do things by herself. Although, she silently accepts herbs from her youngest kit, Vinepaw. She also makes frequent trips to the nursery to play with her son Swiftstream’s kits.


Ashpelt is a rather stern, stubborn elder who continues to give advice to his kits, Riverfur and Duskflower. He is one of the few cats who can withstand Duskflower’s temper, and reminds his dark-tempered daughter that she can always come to him for advice. Though most of his time spent outside of the elders’ den is spent in the nursery, watching over Riverfur’s kits. He also loves watching Tulipaw’s progress as an apprentice.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Secret Clan - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The silver and white she-cat sat crouched by the river. Water tumbled and sloshed beneath her; stray drops settling on the end of her glowing fur. Intense focus emanated from her like light from the sun. A small pale figure started to move in the water, and the she-cat’s eyes followed its every move. The fish floundered gracefully, floating downstream before wiggling back up. Ever so slowly, the warrior raised her paw in anticipation, eyes locked with the fish, claws out, ready to strike – when a tortoiseshell flash sent the fish scurrying downstream.

“Keapaw!” The hunting she-cat spat in frustration. The apprentice seemed to take no notice of his mentor’s scolding, and simply began to lick his chest fur. Her tail flicked.

“We may not be in leafbare, but the Clan must be fed! Especially with two weak queens and six kits relying on their mother’s milk for sustenance.”

“Keep your tail on, Lightfoot. Duskflower sent me to get you, to go on a patrol.” Keapaw muffled a purr.

“Cheeky kit,” she cuffed Keapaw’s ears playfully. “Let’s get back before we’re missed.”

“We won’t be missed,” Keapaw insisted, trying to remove some burrs from the tip of his tail. “The only warriors in camp are the ones Duskflower wanted – everyone else is out hunting. So I’m sure some other cat will catch that fish for you.” He added ruefully.

Lightfoot flicked her ear in a thank you, before leading the way slowly back to camp, going down the well worn path to camp. Keapaw followed dutifully, taking some initiative and showing respect to his mentor. Lightfoot called over her shoulder. “Why did Duskflower summon me? What’s this all about?” Keapaw bounded forward until he trotted neck and neck with Lightfoot.

“She says there’s a blockage in the river,” he mewed. “Further south of the Meadow, so there’s really no need for any panic; it’s just unusual.” Lightfoot was now paying full attention to her apprentice.

“How’d they find out?”

“Vinepaw smelled smoke – she has one of the best noses in the whole Clan, so if she smelled it, it was there. Tuifeather got this look in her eyes…it made my neck fur stand on end! She told Fallenstar that he should send a patrol, and so he got Duskflower to organise one right away.” He continued.

Lightfoot’s tail twitched in curious irritation; an urge to know more.

“Who are on the patrol, exactly?” She meowed, avoiding being directly anxious.

“I don’t know! I’m not StarClan, I don’t know everything!” he growled. It didn’t take more than one glare to make Keapaw mew. “Sorry. Everyone seemed high strung at camp, like they knew something that I didn’t. That a little piece of our world was actually much bigger and not knowing makes me afraid.” His voice had softened greatly. Lightfoot moved in so she could brush pelts with her apprentice. “Don’t worry,” she soothed. “I’m sure it’s just Twoleg mischief, nothing more.”

But though her voice was strong, she didn’t know she believed the words she said.

“Ah, Lightfoot. Made it before the next full moon, I see.” Sunlight purred. As Keapaw had said, the camp was practically deserted, apart from a small group of cats, mirroring Lightfoot’s expression perfectly. From the group, trotted two she-cats, that not only mirrored expression, but nearly everything else. One had a pelt the colour of a cloudy dawn, and the other had long silky fur. “It’s good to see you,” the first mewed, rubbing muzzles with Lightfoot. “When Duskflower asked Hailcloud and me on a special mission, I nearly jumped out of my fur. I’ll have to make it up to Beepaw though; not only did I have to cut training short, my head was in the clouds until I left!”

“Do the clouds have bushes, Dewfrost?” the other asked with mischief glinting in her eyes. “Because that head of yours is covered in burrs!” Dewfrost hissed playfully and cuffed Hailcloud’s ear. Lightfoot was about to join in when an authoritative voice yowled above them. Duskflower stood proudly on one of the stepping stones in the river running through the camp. Her thick, grey fur was slightly ruffled.

“This is not an outing for kits,” she hissed, her gaze settling on the trio of kin. “This is a serious mission. Some of you are very experienced warriors, and though this will be challenging, I’m sure you’ll have more sense of ground than some of us. I have also invited some of our apprentices – Tulipaw and Keapaw will work to the best of their abilities under the capable eye of their mentors. We will be venturing outside of our territory,” Tulipaw’s ears flattened slightly and Keapaw dug his claws into the earth as if it were trying to shake him off. “So I expect all of you to keep a watchful eye. Furthermore…” Lightfoot zoned out of the deputy’s self-important speech and began to survey the journeying warriors. Duskflower, the two apprentices, Tulipaw and Keapaw, herself, Dewfrost and Hailcloud, Sunlight, Swiftstream – Lightfoot’s gaze stopped at the next two cats. It was Tuifeather! The Clan had spared their highly trained medicine cat for a mission. Her blood turned cold as she also saw Vinepaw crouched beside her. Both medicine cats.

This mission is not only dangerous, but StarClan might be involved! Lightfoot thought with both horror and nervous excitement. I must be on my best behaviour today.

“Lightfoot!” Duskflower’s menacing spit broke through her daydream.

“I don’t know why you’re even here; if all you’re going to do is ignore instruction!” Duskflower began shoving her way through the small crowd, making it over to where Lightfoot crouched. “One more slip-up and I can put you on apprentice duties for a moon. I don’t think you would like that now, would you?” The grey deputy leaned over Lightfoot, lips pulled back in a snarl.

“Don’t be such a fox-heart, Duskflower.”

Her mouth immediately slackened, and she ducked her head as Ashpelt strode out of the elders den, stretching lazily.

“You act like you’re already clan leader,” he purred. Ashpelt was nearly the only cat in the Clan who could talk to Duskflower like that, since she was one of his kits. But to everyone else, facing Duskflower’s sharp tongue was a worse fate than a snake bite. “Relax and sheathe your claws. This young’un is just excited, aren’t you?” Ashpelt looked expectantly at Lightfoot. “Oh…yes.” She managed to stutter. Ashpelt just blinked and flicked Duskflower’s ear, which was red-hot with embarrassment. Her father padded back into his den, and Duskflower didn’t look Lightfoot in the eyes. She flicked her tail once in annoyance, and then muttered “Let’s go.”

Keapaw was in the mood for hunting. For the briefest of seconds, he wished he was with the other warriors, stalking some prey. A really plump, fresh vole. That’s what he felt like. Once Keapaw came back from this mission, he would ask Lightfoot to go hunting with him, and his vole – and her fish that got away – would finally be caught. But right now, he was in the thick of it, venturing into the unknown.

Keapaw had only been outside the camp once – when he was on a patrol to chase away a rogue. But this was a proper warrior’s mission. He and Tulipaw had been chosen specially. He remembered with relish how Beepaw had looked on with poison in his eyes. The grey apprentice had always been a bit of a dark cloud, to Keapaw especially. Once, in battle training, Beepaw had unsheathed his claws and scratched Keapaw’s nose. He had said it was an accident, but StarClan knew that it wasn’t.

Tulipaw dropped back through the crowd to walk with him. “Isn’t this exciting? This is my first warrior mission,” she purred with pride. “Sunlight said that if this mission went well, he’d put in a good word to Fallenstar when I get my warrior ceremony. Do you want to know what I want my name to be?” Keapaw could see that his fellow apprentice was chirpier than a swallow, and he didn’t want to dampen her mood by telling her you can’t pick your warrior name. So instead, he mewed “Only if I can tell you what I want my name to be after.” Tulipaw didn’t seem to hear his response.

“Tulipnose. Do you like it?” Keapaw barely had enough time to nod before she went on “What about you?”

“Keawing,” the tortoiseshell apprentice purred.

“That’s a good name,” Tulipaw commented absentmindedly. “I mean, it’ll suit you really well, Keawing.” The way Tulipaw looked at him suggested something Keapaw had been guessing for a long time. But, he dipped his head respectfully and returned the gesture “You too, Tulipnose.” The white she-cat brushed her cheek against Keapaw, and his ears burned with embarrassment.

The two apprentices followed the group, pelts occasionally brushing, identical thoughts clouding their eyes.

The sun bared its teeth at the journeying cats, its hot snarl filling the air. Keapaw padded slowly, the sunlight that passed through the overhanging stems of long grass casting shadows over his already dappled pelt. Tulipaw was fluffing out her fur and stepping oddly, making sure she got enough shade. “I’d much rather it be leafbare right now, honestly! For a few mouse-tail’s I’d throw myself into the stream.” She purred. Keapaw himself could imagine wading out into the cool water and soaking himself in its cool waters. The very thought of it made his mouth dry. He swerved off his shaded path and went down to lap up a few refreshing gulps of the stream. But a sharp tang polluted his mouth, and it choked him. Keapaw leaped back, startled, coughing and spluttering all over the dusty ground, which started to dissolve behind his tears. Tulipaw raced forward, splashing the water around as she sped through it. “Keapaw! Keapaw, are you okay? Duskflower? Come quickly!” Keapaw’s heartbeat slowed, and his vision cleared. He spat out the foul-tasting water. No-one had come to his rescue. Did nobody care that the water was obviously contaminated? He felt a tail-tip on his shoulder.

Tulipaw shook in her paws. “Look,” she whispered, gesturing slightly upstream. The patrol of warriors was all in the water, standing grouped together, staunch. And, Keapaw noted, scenting the air, Scared? Then the two apprentices saw it. Looming in front of them stood a heap of rubbish, twisted and mal-odorous. A black, slick liquid oozed from a hole in a container, and swept down the river like a poisonous snake.

With a sickening hiss and pop, the container burst into flame.

From the deafening silence, a quivering voice was raised.

Follow the river, and you will meet ffire, but beware of darkness!”